The partnership projects are led by the experts of PASREL-imagerie and the partner and imply the sharing of the risks as well as the costs of a project at a rate which will depend on the nature of the projects and the contribution of each part and thus potentially the sharing of the profits at the end.
PASREL-imagerie proposes two types of partnerships:
- Co-development projects are short- or medium-term research projects.
- Strategic partnerships are long term co-development projects associated with the notion of hosting the partner in PASREL-imagerie laboratories, which can go from a few months for a specific project to several years for more permanent collaborations. These long-term partnerships are governed by framework agreements which will be declined in several project sheets.
Routine services are based on tools and procedures already mastered by the 4 sites, and which can be applied to a known application.
Custom-made services are based on existing know-how and methods within the different sites, but which will be adapted to a new application to meet the specific needs of your project.
PASREL-imagerie proposes training courses adapted to the needs of the medical imaging industry in terms of content and form.
The existing training courses in medical imaging will be performed in PASREL-imagerie laboratories or associated Ile-de-France universities.
For the elaboration and the implementation of new trainings, PASREL-imagerie will mobilize the INSTN, training organization of the CEA.
INSTN is the school of specialization for low-carbon energy and health technologies. It offers specialized courses and continuing professional training sessions for all levels of qualification - operators, technicians, engineers and researchers - in France and abroad.
PASREL-imagerie is setting up a series of webinars introducing medical imaging technologies aimedt at medical research actors wishing to understand and master the different aspects of in vivo imaging to improve the efficiency of their R&D. The first webinars are dedicated to immuno-PET and CEST-MRI.
Long-standing partnerships with industry
PASREL-imagerie centers have proven experience with industry for services or collaborations, demonstrating their professionalism in managing projects with pharmaceutical and biotechnology players.
Additional expertise
The in vivo imaging platforms are associated to complementary state-of-the-art platforms such as animal models of several diseases (rodents and non-human primates), motor and cognitive behavior studies, biotherapies, genomics, flow and mass cytometry, viral vector production, ex vivo imaging, etc.
Click here to consult the list of domains concerned